Paris Saint-Germain ئاپەکان

Golden Barre 1.4.0
Paris Saint-Germain
Découvrez la nouvelle application développée par le ParisSaint-Germain : la Citroën Golden Barre !Jouez et tentez de vous qualifier pour la prochaine Citroën GoldenBarre au Parc des Princes! Les trois gagnants de chaque sessionrecevront deux places pour le prochain match et tenteront detoucher la barre transversale du Parc des Princes pour gagner uneCitroën.Discoverthe new developed by Paris Saint-Germain application: CitroënGolden Bar!Play and try to qualify for the next Citroën Golden Bar at the Parcdes Princes! The three winners of each session will receive twotickets for the next game and try to hit the crossbar in the Parcdes Princes to win a Citroën.
PSG Handball 2.1.1
Paris Saint-Germain
Découvrez gratuitement la nouvelle applicationofficielle du Paris Saint-Germain Handball sur votre smartphoneAndroid !Retrouvez dès maintenant et où que vous soyez toute l’actualitédu club de handball de la capitale.Accessible facilement à tous, l’application offre des qualitésgraphiques dernière génération !Profitez tous les jours de contenus variés :-Les infos en temps réel,-Effectif, calendrier, résultats et classement du PSG,-Photos et vidéos exclusives pour vivre de l’intérieur l’aventureparisienne,-Les comptes rendus de tous les matchs du Paris Saint-GermainHandball,-Accédez à la boutique du club et retrouvez les maillots de vosjoueurs préférés,-Fotofan,Discover the new freeofficial app of Paris Handball on your Android smartphone!Now find where you are and all the news from the capitalhandball club.Easily accessible to all, the application offers the latestgraphics features!Enjoy every day of varied content:-The Information in real time,-Effectif, Calendar, results and standings of the PSG,-Photos And exclusive videos to live within the Parisianadventure,-The Minutes of all games at the Paris Handball,-Accédez The club shop and find the jerseys of your favoriteplayers,-Fotofan,
Stadium App 1.2.15
Paris Saint-Germain
The Stadium App is a free, official ParisSaint-Germain smartphone app offering supporters an enhancedexperience at Paris Saint-Germain matches and at the Parc desPrinces in particular.The app’s features provide users with live content during games(multi-cam replays, stats, predictions) and offer them additionalservices such as augmented reality, M-Tickets and taxibookings.The Stadium App is an essential tool that allows users to enjoytheir Paris Saint-Germain matchday experience to the full, givingthem dynamic content on their home screens so that they don’t missa thing.Features:- Live video content during matches: multi-cam and slow-mo replaysand live action.- Pre-match and live stats.- Ticket management and digital tickets.- Stadium services and points-of-interest locator, via augmentedreality.- All the latest and live news on Paris Saint-Germain.- Predictor game.- Taxi booking service.- Photo sharing on social media: social wall, @PSGMatchday Twitterfeed and check-in.- Selfie and photo solution with Fotofan.
PSG Official 10.4.0
Paris Saint-Germain
The official Paris Saint-Germain App!
PSG Mon Abo 1.13.1
Paris Saint-Germain
Manage your subscription with ease through the app PSG dedicated tosubscribers!